What is this?

Citizenship education is the structured learning process by which people acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of the values, identities, and practices associated with democratic citizenship. It is not limited to knowledge transmission and includes skills such as critical analysis, problem-solving, and communication, as well as related to political, cultural, and economic contexts. Citizenship education enables pupils to think critically about complex identity, facilitating an understanding of the diverse ways in which people are shaped by, and respond to, their environment, politics, and history. It is cross-curricular, focusing on the development of values, attitudes, and understandings that are necessary for an inclusive, democratic society.

See also: global citizenship, social mobility, global education, climate justice

Deep Adaptation Q&A with Vanessa Andreotti hosted by Jem Bendell 4,528

Vanessa Andreotti 832

Vanessa Andreotti (Stage 3 - Nurturing the Soil) 518

Dirk Messner und Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti im Gespräch – Intern. Fachkonferenz ESD Expert Net 383

Encontro Internacional "Sinergias para a Transformação Social" - Vanessa Andreotti 221

Prof Vanessa Andreotti 157

Gesturing towards decolonial futures by Professor Vanessa Andreotti 150

Global education in times of unprecedented changes - Vanessa Andreotti keynote address #GCE 91